Portfolio Management Solution (PMS)
Whether it is due to competitive forces or time to market, companies are driven to start projects as early as possible. Contrary to conventional thinking, starting work as soon as possible may be counterproductive. This creates bottlenecks, causes priorities conflicts and induces multitasking. Instead, successful project management and execution begins by acknowledging that the most heavily loaded resources determine how many projects can be executed concurrently.
Which projects should be worked on today? What is the right sequence to release projects for execution? What happens when priorities change due to external forces? The PMS will deliver answers to these questions.

PMS provides:
• Setting organizational targets for improved project performance
• Prioritizing mechanism for projects
• Maintaining optimal level of Work In Process (WIP), using mechanism for synchronization of projects launch and WIP control
• Concentrating resources to accelerate the work on active projects
• Identifying and managing organizational bottlenecks and building a dedicated solution to resolve them
• Complete resource transparency, i.e. real-time information (load vs. capacity)
Running these processes will enable you to significantly improve your company’s throughput and focus on increasing the amount of completed projects rather than running a large number of active projects at any given time.