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Single Project Management (SPM)

Uncertainties are inherent in any project environment. They stem from changes of customer requirements, approvals that don’t come in on time, priority changes, and more.

As uncertainties mount, even well-conceived plans lose touch with the reality and execution produces a vicious circle of growing waste; resources are shifted between tasks, multitasking becomes a “way of life”, scope is continuously eroded, schedules are not adhered to and deadlines slip.

The SPM focuses on faster project completion (within given resources and scope) by implementing effective global project management.

SPM, based on Eliyahu Goldratt’s “Critical Chain”, is designed to address uncertainties. It introduces, early in the planning phase and through execution, a synchronization mechanism which provides a transparent view on the project’s critical chain, along with procedures enabling efficient resource management along the chain and around bottle necks, which are evident in any project environment.

Decisions are taken from a global rather than local optima perspective, consistently keeping site on the whole project – end-to-end.

SPM encompasses:

• An end-to-end integrated program with identified critical chain and built-in buffers to protect it

• Full kit criteria for transition between phases

• Fast Issue Resolution (FIR) mechanism for all organizational levels

• Monitoring routines focusing on shortening the critical chain

• Daily project delivery forecast based on project buffer consumption

• Full transparency at all levels with “Concerto” web-based enterprise software

Full kit criteria for transition between phases template

We introduce quantified measurements which enable you to control the progress of all critical project variables to accomplish clearly defined targets.

We support a team-work approach which is reflected, amongst others, by a gradual teaming up process to ensure the full commitment of all relevant parties.

Our expert team supports you from step one until projects have reached the defined and desired targets.

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